THRIVE - Development of a Decentralized Market & Marketplace based on Blockchain

ThriVe is a Blockchain-based Marketplace for BUYING AND SELLING Ads for a very low cost. People get PAIDs to share data and to review the quality of each website in the ecosystem.

The Advertising Industry is a multibillion-dollar business that does not make consumers richer and deeply affects advertisers in terms of price risk and brand reputation. Same with publishers when to be paid or banned without clear explanation

Consumers who continue to share their data everyday using social login on the internet support this business without generating a dime. However, we turn this model upside down, giving people back control and improving everyone's financial performance.

People regain control of their data and finally earn money just surfing the web. All data is profiled, made anonymous and stored in our block chain. All reasonable information is destroyed; we want people's data safe for us. Control people are also publishers who deserve to be in this market, review the quality of their website And get rewarded for it.

What the advertiser needs is something that has been discussed before, but has never been fully realized - PREMIUM MEETS AD MARKETPLACE.

To date, several attempts to achieve these utopian ideals have failed. Establish clear ground rules and stringent membership criteria to ensure that all publishers pass the award and transparency test conducted by a giant advertising network that seeks to promote only their personal agendas and interests.

But over the past few years, Blockchain has become a potentially destructive technology based on the concept of decentralized and distributed consensus books. Growing very confident that this new paradigm will be a boost to turning future digital marketing into a reality.

For that to grow by giving people back control and improve everyone's financial performance. People regain control of their data and end up earning money just surfing the web. All data is profiled, made anonymous and stored in a growing block of chains. All reasonable information is destroyed; Growing wants people's data safe. Control people are also publishers who deserve to be in this market, reviewing the quality of their sites. And get rewarded for it. Advertisers and publishers will pay less for the same service and make money faster thanks to contract blocks and smart contracts. Your publisher does not have to worry anymore, you will soon be paid and much more than before. Advertisers believe that your brand is protected and your ads reach the right audience. A thriving platform gives you the best consumer insights you've never seen before.

Thrive's main objective is to build a meritocratic and premium Community-based Advertising Marketplace, where all participants become contributors in determining clear publishers' interests, commercial profits and self-strengthening processes to get the group together.

Growing up will revolutionize how to do Digital Marketing Thrive main purpose is to establish meritokratik & Community Ads Premium Ads Marketplace. This struggle is based on chain blocks and smart contracts. The block chain will ensure full transparency, 100% data security and security. Smartcontracts will ensure the fastest and guaranteed payment in the industry. The big problem right now is not right yet. A reliable and meritocratic reputation management mechanism, based on concurrent professional reviews, will ensure placement of website rankings and premium ad placement. Security and reputation will not be a problem anymore.

The smart contract is a bridge on the block chain to connect advertisers and publishers without the required third parties, thereby lowering the cost of AD drastically. For the first time, both Publishers and Consumers willing to share anonymous data voluntarily will be rewarded for money. Something that every day is unconsciously done for free. Thrive Lab team believes in community and corporate social responsibility, enabling people to participate in a survey for annual charitable donations.


  • Award the users and the website. User behavior and search data cost the company billions, and finally, users and site owners get compensated.
  • Reviews Potential annual revenue of the reviewer up to the equivalent of tokens up to 27 thousand Euro.
  • The ability of the advertiser / publisher. Participation in TGE rounds means providing promotional packages in the premium advertising market with minimal commissions and better conversions.
  • Full redistribution of reserves. All people's backup reserves will be redistributed among Apple consumers, advertisers and publishers, who contributed to the early stages of platform development.
  • Efficiency, accuracy and reputation. Growing will greatly improve the effectiveness of digital marketing, the accuracy of re-orientation with the best DMP on the market and brand protection.
  • Full transparency. Business plans for an expanded business plan, including market research, profit and loss estimates, balance estimates, FCF forecasts and company estimates, will be fully available to private sales participants.
Token Information
Token THRT
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
PreICO price1 THRT = 0.25 EUR
Price in ICO1 THRT = 0.25 EUR
Periode 2018.03.10–2018.04.05

  • 53% will be allocated for private and public token rounds.
  • 17% will be booked for Thrive team. This token will be blocked within 24 months after completion of a 1-month token token production (or prior to the launch of the patented Blockchain Thrive).
  • 1% will be reserved for Advisers and Partners. This token will be blocked within 12 months after completion of a 1-month token token production (or prior to the launch of the patented Blockchain Thrive).
  • 2% will be booked for the donation campaign.
  • 27% will go to the reserve and will be fully distributed to reward the "Prosperity" community during the acceleration phase.

Personal round 40%
10-20 March 20%
11-11 March 15%
13-17 March 10%
March 17-20 5%
From March 25 0%

Token for sale 106.000.000
Min. Investment of 1000 THRT
Receive ETH, BTC, LTC,
Distributed in ICO 53%
Hard hat 25.000.000 EUR



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